맨 위
Working principle of dual cut power switch


The working principle of STS is based on the demand for power switching. When the main power supply fails or fails, STS can automatically switch the load from the main power supply to the backup power supply to maintain continuous power supply. The main steps include: 1 Monitoring: STS will continuously monitor the status of the main power supply, including parameters such as voltage, 빈도, phase, 등. 2. Fault detection: When STS detects a fault in the main power supply or does not meet the preset working range, it will immediately respond. 3. Switching decision: STS determines whether power switching is necessary based on the fault detection results. 4. Switching operation: If it is determined that switching is necessary, STS will control the switching process. It will disconnect the main power supply and ensure that the backup power supply is ready, then connect the load to the backup power supply. 5. Switching completed: Once the switching is completed, STS will monitor the status of the backup power supply to ensure it can provide power normally. Collaboration with UPS

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  • 크리스틴 10:12 오전, 오늘
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