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모듈형 인버터를 선택하는 이유?
모듈형 인버터를 선택하는 이유?

Modular inverters are systems that have separate components that can be combined. 모듈성 ...... 어떤 구성 요소든 추가하거나 교체할 수 있다는 장점이 있습니다. (기준 치수) 시스템의 다른 부분에 영향을 주지 않고.

Modular inverters are similar. You can exchange equipment components with other parts to perform repairs and maintenance, or you can reconfigure the equipment to fit in a specific space. Component exchange in "integrated" Inverters, which means the components are interconnected, can take more time and effort.

Modular inverters can be purchased only when they are needed. Customers are often interested in hot-swapping functionality to increase their productivity. Hot-swapping can provide "redundancy", but modular inverters are an important part of industrial companies' business continuity. With the correct safety precautions, modular inverters can be easily replaced without causing downtime.

Modular inverters are easier to maintain and repair because they can be assembled in a modular fashion. They also have a longer life expectancy than inverters that come with integrated components. Although inverters are designed to last for the same amount of time, modular models allow for easy maintenance that allows them to be used for longer periods of time.

The 48Vdc/220Vdc series of 48Vdc and 220Vdc modular paralel inverters converts 48VDC/20Vdc power from a communications DC power supply into 220V/50Hz sinusoidal DC power. Both the input and output are isolated, and can be used for hot swapping or parallel redundancy. It is small in size and can be connected in parallel. This power supply is ideal for users who have high expectations for reliability and maintenance.

If you need more information about modular inverters or to find out more about inverter prices, please contact us today on + 86 18822867572 or send us an email via our contact form.

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크리스틴과 채팅
이미 1902 메시지

  • 크리스틴 10:12 오전, 오늘
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