맨 위
The main working principle of the static transfer switch is based on the following key steps
The main working principle of the static transfer switch is based on the following key steps

정적 전송 스위치 (STS) is a device commonly used in power systems to automatically switch power inputs in the event of a grid failure or other abnormal situation. By monitoring parameters such as voltage and frequency, it enables fast and reliable switching between two power sources to ensure that the load equipment is continuously powered.

The main working principle of the static transfer switch is based on the following key steps:

Monitor the main power supply: constantly monitor the voltage, frequency and phase parameters of the main power supply.
Fault detection: When the main power supply is faulty or abnormal, it immediately reacts.
Switching operation: By controlling the solid-state electronics, the load is switched to the standby power supply to ensure the normal operation of the load device.
This series of processes is completed in milliseconds, so that the load device hardly feels the impact of the power switch. Static transfer switches play an important role in power systems and various application scenarios, mainly including the following aspects:

Power switching: In the event of a failure or exception of the main power supply, the load is quickly and automatically switched from one power supply to another backup power supply.
Protection of load equipment: Effective protection of load equipment from grid problems through timely power switching.
Improve system reliability: The automatic switching function greatly improves the reliability of the power system and ensures the stable operation of the load equipment.
Power backup: When the main power supply fails, the backup power supply takes over the load to ensure the normal operation of the load device.
Increased power system flexibility: The ability to switch power according to specific needs, supporting the operation and maintenance of load equipment.
Static transfer switches are widely used in various fields such as data centers, medical equipment, 공업 자동화, communication base stations, commercial buildings and transportation, ensuring the continuous and stable operation of various equipment and systems, and improving the reliability and toughness of the overall system.

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