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통신 순수 사인파 인버터의 작동 원리에 대해 이야기
통신 순수 사인파 인버터의 작동 원리에 대해 이야기

The working principle of the inverter is to control the operation of the entire system through a control circuit. The inverter circuit completes the function of converting direct current to alternating current, and the filter circuit is used to filter out unwanted signals.

The work of the inverter circuit can also be refined as follows: first, the oscillating circuit converts direct current into alternating current; secondly, the coil boosts the irregular alternating current into square wave alternating current; finally, rectification makes the alternating current into a sine wave alternating current through a square wave.


The working principle of each part of the inverter

1. Input interface part: 입력 부분에는 3 신호, 12V DC 입력 VIN, 작동 가능 전압 ENB 및 패널 전류 제어 신호 DIM. VIN은 어댑터에서 제공됩니다., ENB 전압은 마더보드의 MCU에서 제공됩니다., and its value is 0 또는 3V. ENB=0인 경우, 인버터가 작동하지 않습니다, ENB=3V일 때, the inverter is in normal working state; while the DIM voltage Provided by the main board, the range of variation is between 0-5V. Different DIM values ​​are fed back to the feedback terminal of the PWM controller. 인버터가 부하에 제공하는 전류도 다릅니다.. DIM 값이 작을수록, the current output by the inverter. 더 큰.

2. Voltage start circuit: When ENB is at high level, it outputs high voltage to light the panel's backlight tube.

3. PWM 컨트롤러: 그것은 다음과 같은 기능을 가지고 있습니다: 내부 기준 전압, 오류 증폭기, 발진기와 PWM, 과전압 보호, 저전압 보호, 단락 보호, output transistor.

4. DC 변환: The voltage conversion circuit is composed of MOS switch tube and energy storage inductor. The input pulse is amplified by the push-pull amplifier and then drives the MOS tube to switch, so that the DC voltage can charge and discharge the inductor, so that the other end of the inductor can be Obtain AC voltage.

5. LC 발진 및 출력 회로: to ensure the 1600V voltage required for the lamp to start, and to reduce the voltage to 800V after the lamp is started.

6. 출력 전압 피드백: 부하가 작동 중일 때, the sampled voltage is fed back to stabilize the voltage output of the inverter

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  • 크리스틴 10:12 오전, 오늘
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