맨 위
저주파 인버터 대. 고주파 인버터
저주파 인버터 대. 고주파 인버터

모듈형 인버터, 고주파 인버터

There are two power inverters: low frequency and 고주파 인버터.

오프그리드 인버터는 배터리에 저장된 DC 전력을 변환하는 간단한 장치입니다. (직류, 12V, 24V, or 48V) into AC power, which can be used to run household equipment like refrigerators, televisions, and phone chargers. Since they can easily supply a large amount of electricity, a 모듈형 인버터 is a need for anyone with no access to the main power source.

Peak power capacity and dependability are areas where low-frequency inverters excel over high-frequency inverters. Compared to high-frequency inverters, low-frequency inverters are built to handle larger power spikes over a longer period.

High-frequency inverters can run at a 200 percent power level for only a brief period. In comparison, low-frequency inverters can function at a peak power level of up to 300 percent of their nominal power level for several seconds.

The high-frequency inverter uses MOSFETs, which use electronic switching and are more prone to damage, especially at high power levels. On the other hand, low-frequency inverters function using powerful transformers, which are more dependable and durable.

In addition to these characteristics, low-frequency inverters have a vast array of technological features and abilities that most high-frequency inverters do not have.

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크리스틴과 채팅
이미 1902 메시지

  • 크리스틴 10:12 오전, 오늘
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