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통신용 인버터 전원팬이 중요한가요??

순수 사인파 인버터의 열 방출에는 두 가지 주요 방법이 있습니다.: 하나는 자체 조립 구조에 의존하는 것입니다. (방열판) 자연적인 열 방출을 사용합니다.; the other is to rely on external force and use fans for forced cooling. 현재, bwitt Power's inverter products use fan cooling models including SDT G2, DT, SMT, MT, 등. Fans are particularly important for telecom inverters (especially high-power inverters) because the heat dissipation performance will directly affect the power generation and the service life of the product. We will provide the quantity of cooling fans according to the power of the inverter product. 일반적으로, for products with high power, we will configure no less than 2 cooling fans. Today we mainly talk about the maintenance of inverter fans from the aspects of inverter installation and daily maintenance:

1. Installation precautions
1. Installation environment of inverter fan:
In the early stage of installation, the overall environment of the inverter installation must be fully evaluated. If the environment is harsh, such as a lot of dust, branches and leaves, or the equipment is installed in grass, it will affect the normal operation of the fan and cause the machine to malfunction during operation. Loud noise or direct jamming causes the inverter power supply machine to report failure.

2.Inverter installation distance (very important):
The installation distance of each model must be considered during installation. If the distance is small, it will increase the fan speed, affect heat dissipation, and ultimately affect power generation. According to the installation situation inspected by Baowit after-sales service engineers at the customer site, about 35% of customers have irregular installation distances, which can easily lead to unsatisfactory heat dissipation of the machine and affect the final power generation of the machine.

During installation, avoid rough installation and removal or other installation methods to prevent abnormality or jamming of the external fan.
External box deformation

2. Daily maintenance
1. Check regularly.
After the inverter is installed, the operation of the fan needs to be checked regularly; it can be monitored and checked or inspected by on-site operation and maintenance personnel;

2. Clean regularly.
Regularly clean the external fan from foreign objects, dirt, 등.;
Cleaning method: Use a screwdriver to remove the 6 screws of the outer fan and clean the fan cover and fan blades.

The inverter reports a fan abnormality. How to deal with it?
Fault phenomenon: The screen displays “Ext fan Failure” and “External fan abnormality”
현재, the most effective way to dissipate heat is to use a cooling fan on the machine itself. In the past, our large closed places could use air conditioning to cool down, which is currently one of the most effective methods.
Troubleshooting: When the inverter is running (30-second self-test), observe whether the external fan rotates; if it does not rotate, you can try to turn the fan to see if there is any foreign matter stuck in the fan; if it still does not turn after turning it, please contact the firm. Dewei after-sales service will handle it.

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이미 1902 메시지

  • 크리스틴 10:12 오전, 오늘
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