맨 위
Development status of communication power supply technology
Development status of communication power supply technology

With the rapid development of telecommunication technology, the structure of telecommunication network is becoming more and more complex. As the power component of the communication system, 그건, the heart of the communication system, the importance of the communication power supply system is increasingly reflected. 오늘, with the rapid development of communication technology, the overall scale of my country's telecommunication network is at the forefront of all countries in the world. It is even more necessary to have a corresponding communication power supply to support the safe and reliable operation of this large network.

In the past few years, the technology of communication network and communication business processing, 전염, mobile satellite, data communication and other equipment has developed rapidly, and most of them have reached or approached the world's advanced technology level. 하지만, the technology of communication power supply equipment is relatively backward. From a national perspective, low-tech equipment still accounts for a certain proportion of the power supply system, especially in economically backward areas, there are relatively few advanced equipment, and traditional communication power supplies In terms of performance indicators, they are far from meeting the technical requirements of the ever-changing telecommunication network.

The technical grades of communication power supply equipment and the above-mentioned types of communication equipment are not only inconsistent, but also the gap in technical level continues to expand, which is very unfavorable to the coordinated development of communication networks in the future. Considering the improvement of work reliability and capacity expansion, the decentralized power supply system should be gradually replaced by the centralized power supply; in order to meet the technical requirements of the communication network and to be suitable for use in decentralized power supply, high-frequency switching power supplies should be vigorously promoted. A batch of new power supply equipment to replace the traditional thyristor phase-controlled power supply.

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  • 크리스틴 10:12 오전, 오늘
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