맨 위

Dear every one

good day to all

This is Cathy from Bwitt ,nice to meet you all here

Now we will share the result of Vietnam exhibition(SECC) 당신과 함께하는 BWITT를 위해 , we have a happy ending at that time.

Welcome watching...

BWITT successfully finished SECC exhibition in Vietnam ,in this show ,we have displayed telecom inverter and rectifier system ,STS ,modular inverter, DC converter etc

The best selling is telecom inverter or communication inverter ,rectifier system STS.

These three products are very popular during the exhibition in Vietnam, many customers have highly appreciated our products, then we now come to get to know what is inverter,and what is function,what is appplied to ?

Inverter is to convert DC power into AC power (generally 220VDC 50HZ pure sine wave). Emergency power, generally DC battery inverter into 220V AC. In layman's terms, an inverter is a device that converts direct current (DC) into alternating current (교류). It consists of an inverter bridge, control logic and a filter circuit.

So far ,Bwitt can supply products as below

1) Stand alone /Modular Redunacy inverter ,1KVA~60KVA
2) Modular Rectifier sytem/Battery charger: 24V/48Vdc/110Vdc/220Vdc
3) DC Converter: 110Vdc/48VDc ,48VDC/220Vdc,220Vdc/48VDc etc,
4) SCR STS ,16ㅏ ,32ㅏ,63ㅏ,100ㅏ ,125ㅏ
This type Rack Mount Inverter with a new generation of dual input inverter solution designed for the field of communication applications, 통신 시스템의 높은 신뢰성에 적합. The solution is equipped with 220V AC power supply and 220V DC power Input, 기존의 UPS 전원 공급 장치와 일반적인 순수 사인파 인버터 솔루션 사이의 격차를 해소합니다..

사용자가 Pure를 제공하는 데 도움이 되는 참신한 디자인 구조를 사용합니다., 중요 부하를 위한 안정적이고 내구성 있는 AC 전원, AC 전원 공급 시스템과 동일한 높은 신뢰성을 가지고 있습니다.. 통신 전용 순수 사인파 인버터의 설계 특성으로 AC와 DC 전원 공급 장치 간의 원활한 변환이 보장됩니다., 변환 지연이 거의 없음, 정적 스위치에 빌드.

Thanks for watching.

We hope this product will give you a more intuitive understanding

Welcome you have a understanding for our products

Appreciate your positive feedback for this kind of product

Warmest regards





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이미 1902 메시지

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